Process and

Every work of art is a journey, born from a dance between shadow and light, 
emotion and technique. 
 As you delve deeper into this space, discover the heartbeats and whispers that shape Kant's creations.

“Karolina’s art, while truly singular, carries imprints from the greats. The boldness of Andy Warhol, combined with the evocative layers of Peter Doig, subtly shape her perspectives and techniques. Dive into a world shaped by these luminaries, while also exploring the horizons Karolina is setting for future artists.”

“I pulled out a letter from its envelope – it had characteristic blue and white stripes. The letter had been drenched by the rain, and the ink had bled onto the paper, leaving its imprint on the envelope. That very moment, that juxtaposition of the inkblot with the rhythmic patterns, was pure inspiration.”
